Bardeck thanked all the Gods he had a sturdy shield. Even with heavier armor, he wouldn't feel entirely safe against such a large and sharp looking weapon that the swordsman carried. It even seemed to glimmer in the sunlight. It had an enchantment if Bardeck was a betting man. He wasn't however, nor was he one to take chances in many other parts of his life if he could help it, and the muscled northmath kept his shield up and only struck when he was sure he wouldn't be hit in retaliation. A yelp and grunt from the side drew the attention of Bardeck and the two handed sword wielder for a moment, both somewhat curiously watching the demonic mage-fighter doing his best to scitter away after smacking into the mace wielder's chest. It was Bardeck that recovered and attacked first however, probably because the swordsman was both worried that he was now alone in the fight, and surprised to see the demonic ally that had appeared out of nowhere. The Axe blade cut deeply into the swordsman's bicep, causing him to suck in his breath in pain and do his best to get his guard up. But his defenses, while still strong, were noticeably slowing as they continued. At the last moment, he threw his sword at Bardeck and sprinted off, clutching his bleeding arm as he stumbled and sprinted for his life. Bardeck blocked the throw sword, but didn't pursue. Instead, he went to question the man on the ground with the broken rib. "Are you working for anyone?" Bardeck asked, kicking him in the chest. "Are you with an outfit? Or are you simply a bandit."