[quote=@Etcetera]There's a lot more going on here than simple post length; that is one piece of several.[/quote] That really isn't true. [quote]For roleplaying involving one-liners, few-liners, speed-posting,[/quote] "One-liners, few-liners, and speed-posting" are all referring to the same thing, [@Etcetera]. If your roleplay has really small IC posts, it's meant to be posted in Free. The only other distinct part of the description of the section is, "and for anyone who doesn't want to have to worry about standards"—which you don't need to be upset over because GMs can have their own standards for what application does and does not get accepted. The primary distinguishing factor of the three sections is post length, full stop. Advanced RPs have more in-depth plots, character development and extensive settings simply because there is more room to establish all of that when posts have more content. Roleplays with IC sections that consist of one liners definitely do not belong in Advanced and are most fitting of all in Free. That they exist in Casual is tenuous, but I guess if half of Casual is going to call itself "High Casual", there can be a Low Casual too.