Elle's eyes snapped open abruptly, her dream startling her awake. She lay still for a moment, blinking groggily and slowly sitting up to survey her surroundings. Sunlight filtered through the small window, and she watched dust floating in the rays before disappearing in the air beyond the beams. She yawned and stretched as she forced her sore limbs to get her out of the bed to the wash basin, where she rinsed off as best she could before putting her leather armor back on. After gathering her belongings, the breton left her room as she braided her red hair in a half up half down fashion to keep it out of her face while still keeping her ears and neck warm. She had a hood, but the extra layer helped protect her fro the chill, she wasn't yet accustomed to the harsh cold of Skyrim. She descended the stairs to find her half-mer companion already awake and seated at the bar with a mug of something in hand. [color=00B2EE]"Good morning,"[/color] she greeted, trying to keep the sleep and apprehension from her voice as she sat down next to him, [color=00B2EE]"Sorry to keep you waiting."[/color] Honestly, if she didn't have Nil to think of, she would have just laid in bed the entire bed to avoid her problems. But, though he may not have intended to, he was holding her accountable in a way, and that ultimately was probably better for her and her decision making. She wasn't particularly hungry, so she politely declined when the innkeeper offered her breakfast as she turned in her key. With her stomach in knots over what the day might hold, she had no appetite at the moment. Though, she wasn't even sure if they could even reach the Greybeards today or how long it would take to even get there. She wanted to save her coin for supplies anyway. They still needed a map and food for the journey, plus she wanted to stock up on an first aid they might need. With their past experiences int he injury department, they were going to need it.