"Glad I protected my head this time." Neil said to himself after the rough tumble he and Drake made down a mercifully small staircase. Oddly enough, the metal of the stairs were extremely malleable, as if it made itself softer so as not to harm whatever or whoever had been thrown down it. Neil blinked, but he couldn't see anything. He really hoped that it was an actual lack of light and not the fact that he might have hit his head despite feeling no pain, and lost his vision. "Is it dark in here or is it just me?" Neil asked. "Where'd you get your degree, genius?" Drake said back. It was meant to be cutting, but Neil was just glad it was dark for the others too. "I didn't have a rich daddy." Neil replied, trying to find his weapon. His hand patted the cold ground, unable to reach where he thought he heard his ARC rifle fall. That is, until he found a small bit of metal that he couldn't lift his hand off of. He blinked, and tried again. But the hand was stuck to it. Not just the skin, but he felt like the muscle of his right hand was stuck tight as well. He was about to voice it when a searing pain ripped through his skin, hotter than any cooking stove or oven. The burning sensation and pain overwhelmed his senses, and he nearly fainted from the experience, gasping until the feeling suddenly vanished without a trace. The hallways lights bloomed above them, glowing as if every corner of the hall's surface area was a small source of light. Neil could see Sayeeda at the top of the small stairway and Drake beside him on his hands and knees. The small oval shape his hand had rested on looked calm, and Neil took his hand off of it now. Only...his palm had a strange symbol on it. It looked like a gas planet's ring, set in an oval shape, with a curious starship image flying through it, all within a 7 sided shape. "I think I got a tattoo..." Neil said aloud. Drake was, of course, confused at both the lights suddenly turning on, as well as Neil's statement. "What in the hell are you tal-" he began, until his eyes widened and he took hold of Neil's hand, examining it and reading the image as if he was reading a sacred scroll. Neil raised an eyebrow. "It's not that cool." Drake shook his head, trying to form words. "This is one of the symbols I've read of. It has two separate meanings. Traveler and Chaos. One of the symbols they made to honor one of their Gods." Before them, the metal of the hallway was smooth and light grew, with white lines framing every 5 feet that glowed brighter than the more grey metal. The hallway was not far, and it ended in an archway that led into a circular corridor, both left and right curving inwards to suggest it led to the same place. "And what God was that?" Neil asked. Drakes next words were not promising. "Kharolek. The one that sets fire to the Galaxy." [@Penny]