Kaleeth's drift into consciousness was slow, but steady. She blinked a few times, not responding to either Julan or Janius. However, once her mind was once again awake, she immediately drew up her hands to her head and groaned. "Ah, my head, it...hurts. Where am I? Where are...we?" She stammered, still momentarily confused. Although Kaleeth did need to rest, her confusion and panic caused her to sit up quickly. "I remember...the fight. We won? Is everyone okay?" She said once she recognized that she was surrounded by her pack. "Yes, we are all alive and well." Meesei said softly. "You may be calm. Though, I cannot say we won the fight. Do'rhajul's team escaped. Or, we escaped. It may be true to say that we all escaped. The fight was...worryingly close." Kaleeth lowered her head and pressed her fingers against her temple. "I'm remembering more parts, I think. I...got frozen?"