[@AllHollowsEve][@Ciaran] So, after reading everything over again, I felt a distinct feeling on unease and decided to ask my main shield brutha for his take. Looks like it was my goof, guys. [img]https://i.imgur.com/YTdMT4V.png[/img] In light of that, I'll retcon Kull's well timed deflection and killing blow in favor of something reasonable for everyone, that is, if either of you would still be willing to continue, which I can understand if you won't be. I hadn't given either of you much leeway for fun, rather, me trying to shoot for kills as quickly as possible, whilst you both were aiming nonlethal attacks. It was my bad, had spent too much time using peak human characters and forgot how to run a fight with an imperfect man, and my competitive streak at some point got the better of me. Fight writing can be ugly, and I should have understood that and had more finesse with you guys. When you're wrong, you gotta admit it. Understand that sometimes, we don't realize we're wrong and need a little retrospection to get the right idea. Ya live, ya learn.