It seemed like she had only been sitting on the bench for a few moments. Enjoying the warm sunshine, the sounds of the birds around her. Before something large blocked the sun just a bit. She smiled a little to herself, knowing what had blocked the warmth. She didn't even bother opening her eyes. Though she frowned slightly hearing Dylan beside her, he seemed to really enjoy calling her “little bit”. It a nickname. She was getting used to it still. Tabby nodded her head slightly. “I am, t’is so nice and warm compared to the mansion. You would hate it.” She said before letting out a soft relaxed sigh. Tabitha rolled her head as she opened her eyes and looked at Dylan, hearing his sigh. She gave him a smile and nodded again. “T’is, such a shame t’is going to be ruined. But I say once we finish our planning we sit and enjoy it a bit more. Yes?” She could tell just by his stiff body that he was still missing his cave though it had been only a few days. Poor dear, it was a little sad to see him so homesick. He hadn't wanted to leave in the first place. His cave was pretty nice. She understood, she wanted to go home too. Tabby reached out, her hand barely covering his muscular upper arm. “T’will not be much longer darling. As soon as we make our attack, the witches along with the other races left alive will flee to prepare for war. We can go home and you can have your cave back.” She squeezed his arm slightly offering a smile. Her hand staying put on on his arm as she stared off thinking for a moment. Tabby had never tried blood magic herself but this wouldn't be purely blood magic. She had made sure. Shaking her head of her thoughts, she glanced at her hand and smirked patting his arm before removing it. “Anyway, the rest of the plan can be taken care of without you having to stray far hopefully.” Tabby dug through her bag for a moment before pulling a few papers out and placing them into his hands. “I do not if those will do you any good much longer. But you were complaining about maps.” She said before digging through her bag a bit more, before looking around and sitting on the ground infront of Dylan. She pulled out the two crystals she took from his cave and a knife. “This it a very important part of the plan so we will do this first. Give me your hand Dylan. I need your blood to make sure my spell won't effect you.”