*Beatrix furrows her eyebrows at John's response, but is distracted by Merg stirring, and so she sighs with frustration and impatience.* Beatrix: Good. I'll be back sometime later. *She then exits the bar while heavily supporting Merg, and heads to some place she can fix her up properly, and after hearing commotion in the kitchen, she decides just to sit Merg on the ground and try to extract her from her fused armour by hand, or by sword. She also gathers whatever medical supplies she can find around the immediate area, and starts her 'operation'* --- *Vaseraga frowns at Lecter and Taboo, then calmly places his massive boot on Taboo's back to prevent her from crawling away any more.* Vaseraga: If he of all people wishes to go after her, then there must be a just reason. He will explain first, but there will be no escaping for you should he have sufficient reason, little girl. *He then looks back at Lecter and gestures for him to explain while Vaseraga holds Taboo down.*