[quote=BlueBravado] Name: Rasputin HartAge: 17Gender: MaleCode/Superhero Name: MidasAppearance: Rasputin is a 6' tall, lanky boy whose hair, in a medium fade with a long top that almost touches his eyebrows, is as yellow as his bright eyes. He loves nothing more than steel-toed boots under a sturdy pair of cargo pants and his black leather jacket that he studded along the shoulders and entire sleeves his freshman year of high school. He pierced his ears twice on each side and wears straps of leather around his neck. Rumors of him in the public eyes and ears is that he is seen as something of a professional wrestling character with a gaudy mask and a royal king getup. The rare witness -instead of gossiper- observes a man with a gold, motionless face with points that top his brow like a crown and silver chainmail and small plates that augment his garments. All of that was just a product of his curiosity.Personality: "Raz" only likes to talk when he knows a subject well, giving off the impression that he is either a loner or a smart-ass. He can't help it that the only time he feels outgoing is when one of his interests is in the conversation and not mindless banter. The subject matter he involves himself in got him bullied a lot in school, So he may be a more stern but not hot-headed, he may even flash a bit of charisma to those that aren't too arrogant to notice him."Dude, make yourself useful or find another spot-to-rot, got it? I have things to do."Bio: TV, videogames, AP math, and AP chemistry slapped the "geek" label on faster than his growth spurt. The only exception were the select few that came to him for his hobby of fixing anything mechanical; bikes, cars, game consoles and computers, the like. Study took up most of his time, that and his suburban family. They were nice folk; a try-hard father and a mother taking care of twin little brothers: Tanner and Darian. He had no trouble being independent because of how highly they thought of him. Raz probably could've used it to his advantage more but did not mingle much, rather picking up any useful tidbit he could and building something out of them.Powers: 1) The Control and Manipulation of metal: That is the ability to Magnetically charge and manipulate any form of metal substance. (let's call it Magnokinesis?)2) The Manipulation of Metal's Chemical Make up: The ability to change it's state (solid/liquid/gas) and chemical make up (lead to gold) at will. (Metalchemy???)Weapons: Carries a multi-tool knife along with other pocket tool-kits like allan wrenches, sewing kit, a big flag belt buckle. Black belt in Karate. [/quote] Accepted. BTW, you guys know you can have more than one character, right?