I completely forgot to put this here earlier. :P Name - Enigma 3 A.K.A Ends Age - 52(average life-span is near immortality, as long as body is kept up with, but is still mortal) Species - Guardian (former human, augmented corpse) Gender - Male like most guardians Appearance - (Image provided on later date)He is fully integrated with his deep sea suit. His helmet is detachable but He normally keeps it on. His right arm is bulkier than the other and he is hunched a little. He is armored heavily. has a apparatice on back that has a tube connected to his head and left arm. Personality - Lifeless, calm but easily aggravated, Smart yet senseless. Little care for the world. History - He doesn't remember before his transformation. "Too fuzzy" he says, but he can remember after the transformation. He was a special type of guardian that was used to both repair a city and protect it. How ever, when the city was destroyed, he no longer had ties to it, so he roamed for years on end. Till he found his purpose. Now, he protects and serves any child of great power, but will assist anyone good. Equipment - Rivet gun and oil sprayer as ranged weapons. His right hand can form a large crude drill for melee. He carries matches and medical supplies, in particular adrenaline and tissue repair chemicals. His body is essentially the suit at this point. Powers - Electrical control and blasts Activity - Once or twice Daily, not in the middle of the day mostly Extras - Yes this is loosely based off big daddies from bioshock if your wondering