[@pugbutter] but then the point I was making arrives: do you bitch about it in the bitch thread or the status bar for days on end, and is the only thing that ever seems to come out of your mouth 'whe whe nobody wants rp with me'? Perhaps the problem is with you - in that you tend to accept requests from fickle roleplayers? [@71452K] the underlines aren't really helping you, it makes your post a bitch to read. But I got the gist of it. I don't think you are right - my best RP is currently ongoing for close to a year (like 9 months) and thrives purely on the promise that we will each get a post out at some point in the future whether that be in 2 weeks or 2 months. We have had intervals of a month, even 2 at some point, because of life and IRL occupations. Doesn't mean either of us are going to drop it because we are both invested in it and want to see where the story takes us. It helps that we have a clear cut idea of where we want to move the story - but the pacing is important. And not necessarily to up the pacing, but to take your time.