Ashe was in one of her moods. Unpleasant imagery had plagued her last night. Memories of her lost world and the people who's fates she still didn't know. It wasn't uncommon that Ashe had these nightmares, but they always left her in a foul mood the next day. Snappy, extra quiet, and almost brooding the warrior's icy blue eyes kept a careful watch on the First District. Normally one of these moods would put Ashe in the Second or Third District, keeping the Heartless there at bay. But today, most of Leon's gang was there making sure things were safe for, and with, the newest refugees. So the warrior had accepted the far more boring, but equally important, task of patrolling the First District. Because the district was so small, patrol usually meant standing in one or two different places for several hours. Right now Ashe found herself on the far side of the district, watching the coming and goings of people between the First and Second districts. She kept an extra watchful eye on the newest refugees, as you could never be too careful. The boring of her patrol was interrupted by the sudden slamming open of doors. The warrior's hand was on her blade in an instant. In a split second her brain registered the fact that it wasn't the doors she was standing in front. That left only one set that it could be. A short string of curses escaped from her lips, ones that would make even Cid blush to hear. Still keeping her hand on the hilt of her longsword, Ashe bolted around the corner. Her steps faltered as she was met with the sight of human soldiers pouring through the doors to the world. Their uniforms told her that it was the Empire. They sure picked a bad day to mess with her. Ashe's movement didn't stop until she was at the top of the stairs. There she unsheathed her weapon. Taking a moment to assess the situation she realized that she was likely the only defender currently in First District, but there were a number of innocents, including below trying to flee from the soldiers. Ashe was strong, but alone she wasn't strong enough to take on all of these soldiers. She would take as many as she could before going down, hopefully buying enough time for word to spread to Leon and the others. Long, powerful legs carried her down the stairs in no more than three steps. Her first target, a man with a blade raised, ready to finish off a woman who had fallen to the ground. In a single moment, she closed the distance between them, and ran the man through. Icy blue eyes cold and unfeeling as she watched the life leave him. Her second opponent went down just as easily, his head no longer attached to his shoulders. In a matter of moments, Ashe swept through the soldiers, leaving a half dozen or so bodies in her wake. Human opponents were easy, her blade was made for carving through things that were much stronger.