[quote=@Bishop] Still unfamiliar to other worldly customs they didn't know what the author meant by "repercussions". What could be the harm? [color=blue]Extending their hand they made contact with, what they assumed was, the communicating organ. For him it was the giant mound of flesh on her chest. Soft and tender, how could this thing allow them to communicate.[/color] After the response from the receptionist they connected the dots. The mouth was moving when they communicated along with the throat which trembled a little, assuming it was the origin of the sound. Now fixing their aim they went to grab the throat. [/quote] The receptionist shrieked. "Help!" she yelled, having just been violated by some person she didn't even know while she was trying to talk to them. Her days of offering that kind of "help" were over. John Stewart heard the sound from the balcony above and flew down. He created a wall between them to try and force the mad clown off of her, but when he asked if she was all right, her response was to mouth "John", with no sound coming out. "What have you done to her?" he asked forcefully, pointing his ring at the clown. [@RumikoOhara][@Queentze][@mattmanganon] George Harkness, formerly known as Captain Boomerang, pulled up in a police car, then opened the back of it to pull out one of the two bank robbing bombers from an hour earlier. They were both shaking, starting to experience withdrawal symptoms from the large dose of low-grade venom they'd injected about two hours earlier, and Harkness wanted to get them in a holding cell and on withdrawal meds before they got to the convulsion stage. That's when he witnessed Miss Smith tackle a man, then a light beam cut the gun in half. Then someone walking by whipped out a magic wand and froze his hand, which was still holding the piece of a gun just before it was swung wildly through the holographic person who had cut the gun in half. Then, because the situation wasn't crazy enough, a blue-glowing dog floated up and started [i]talking[/i]. He rubbed his eyes with his free hand. "Uh, maybe we can come back later?" the criminal tried, only to get a look of annoyance from Captain Harkess. Harkness sighed, handing the man off to another officer before running over to the now concussed man and handcuffing him. "Great, another bomb." Boomerang said, sitting the man up. "And let me guess." He reached into his pocket and found two more vials of cheap venom. "Great. And I was just about to fill out some paperwork on the two other junkies and head home. Looks like my wife's going to be fussing at me for being late for breakfast." Another one of the cops came over to finish searching the man before hauling him inside. "Nice to meet you again Miss Smith." he said, nodding at the woman, though not offering to shake her hand because he knew of her powers. "I've never met the rest of you though. I assume you are the one that vaporized half of the car I was chasing." he said, pointing at the holographic girl. "You look familiar, but I don't remember where I've seen you." He pointed at the magician. "And I know I would remember seeing you, Duke." He walked over and started petting the Corgie. "So, who wants to go first?"