[@Jaded]Hello I made a spirit/ghost. Is this ok? [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/b7/46/dc/b746dcd545ba4495779bcaac3c9736d6--lydia-graham-mea.jpg[/img][/center] [color=6ecff6]Name:[/color] Agnes Sunderland [color=6ecff6]Age:[/color] 16 at the time of her death [color=6ecff6]Grade:[/color] 11 [color=6ecff6]Orientation:[/color] Bi [color=6ecff6]Likes:[/color] Punk rock, smoking pot, stargazing, road trips, reading [color=6ecff6]Dislikes:[/color] Authority, priests, preppies, black jelly beans [color=6ecff6]Personality:[/color] Laid back, sarcastic and a bit of a sass machine, it's no wonder plenty of kids used to hated Agnes' guts. She never was an ideal student back then, as she constantly ditched school to smoke at the parking lot, and flip off the home economics teacher for slacking in her own class. She likes playing tricks on people who might as well deserve it and her ghostly powers makes it way easier for her to do so. A free spirit (pun intended) Agnes is always compelled to venture beyond, explore new things, meet new people, get high and have fun doesn't matter if you're dead or not. Life still goes on in the afterlife man. [color=6ecff6]Bio:[/color] Agnes is not like the other ghosts. At first glance you would not even tell. She pretty much functions like a normal higschooler and goes on as if she were still living in this world. Except that she can make people see or unsee her, plus she is drawn to the place where she died and therefore, practically lives there. Speaking of, it has been more than two decades since that awful incident happened. It was prom evening and Agnes was feeling out of place like she always is. It didn't help that a lot of people hated her or mostly, just get intimidated by her very punky demeanor. Highschool was a lonely existence, with no real friends to call and at that point she just stopped caring. That evening she was feeling left out and bored out of her wits. With a bag of high quality kush in hand she went to the girls bathroom and overdosed herself with pot. [color=6ecff6]Others:[/color] Fan of The Sex Pistols and Talking Heads. Rather fluent in 80's jargon. Is fond of making mixtapes.