[@MrDidact] Honestly wouldn't presume to tell you what character to play in a duo, but I'll fire off a few of my different ideas for my own character, and if you can think of a CS of your own that you think would play off them nicely then we can see what we can work from there. [list][*][i][b]The Witcher:[/b][/i] The Witcher I have in mind would be experienced, having been at monster slaying business for fifty+ years. He was skilled, talented, and mostly hard working, but years of seeing the worst of what the world has to offer has left its mark on him. He responds to the world with a detached, warped sense of humor that alienates most of those around him, has a severe drinking problem that has began to interfere with his work, believes that his swords 'speak' to him, and has found himself growing more and more prone to violence. He still finds joy in the hunt, but it's a savage kind of pleasure, the kind that once would have filled him with shame. [*][i][b]The Guardsman:[/b][/i] The Guardsman is a the youngest scion of an impoverished noble house. When he realized that the writing was on the wall for his families fortunes he traded what little influence they had left for a mid-level post in the city guard. He cares very little for religion or civic order, but the job security makes up for that, and the work was largely unobtrusive, allowing him the opportunity to follow his real passions; wine, women and song. However his superior officer has given him the unenviable task of solving the current influx of monster attacks, a job that a foppish wastrel like him is woefully unprepared for. [*][i][b]The Aen Elle:[/b][/i] The third would be an Aen Elle, banished from his own world. Other than him being a warrior, I haven't put much thought into this one, just like the thought of playing a banished elf.[/list] Thoughts?