[quote=Octavian] Awesome. But isn't my designation PR-451 and Sadko's TRT-377? Just double-checking, because the second post mentions TRT-377. [/quote] Oh, oops. My bad! I got my designations mixed up, yes. PR-451, not TRT-377. My post has been edited accordingly. [quote=blackensign] I do have one question. The incarnation that our characters currently find themselves in, is this their first incarnation or is this already one in a innumerable amount of incarnations all dying for different reasons? Also, what is the average time span between incarnations? My character is between the ages of 32 - 40. Is this simply how the clone was created? It will effect the way I write my blurb. [/quote] They have lived before this, and are aware of this factoid, but have lost most knowledge of where they are. More distressing is the fact that they don't really know [i]who[/i] they are, either. They likely aren't explicitly aware if they died or simply had their brains scrubbed of memory following something akin to an accident. The body age/wear is a somewhat loose factor for you to write within; The cloned body is either strictly equivalent to a standard human aged in the range stated (32-40, in this case) or a younger body that has suffered wear and tear. It would be perfectly acceptable for X-1 to be, say, 24 - but she probably wouldn't look 24. Too much hardship. Sorry for confusing the both of you!