[quote=@Skull] [@Sebastian] No worries man. So the lore as far as techniques, races, technology (like capsule corp), and overall aesthetic will very much be DBZ/Toriyama-inspired, just with completely new characters? [/quote] Lore wise it is heavily inspired by Toriyama however there are some distinct changes. The first and foremost change is the Saiyan planet, Frieza never existed with this storyline so he never destroyed the Saiyan homeworld. However the Saiyans did still lose their planet, although no one exactly knows what destroyed their home world. Blitz is one of the only ones who knows at this point, which is another reason I wanted to make him the first villain so I had the ability to go into further detail down the line. It is also important to note that unlike in the original story, alot of the Saiyans were able to escape before their planet was destroyed. While the Saiyans are still a proud warrior race they are not as destructive as in the original story so many of them chose to find new places to live and start over i.e. one of these places being earth. Without Frieza's Galactic Planet Trade the Saiyans were more or less a hell of a lot more peaceful towards other species. With this set, the ability to have a full blooded Saiyan character is more then possible if you chose to. Capsule Corp is still the leading company in technological advancement however Bulma does not exist nor do her parents so the corporation will of course have its differences. One of these differences specifically being, the dragon radar which is not a thing, at least not yet anyways as Bulma was the original proprietor of this device. In reality the very fact that the dragon balls are an actual thing at this point is pretty unknown to everyone. There is a strong possibility later on where the Guardian of Earth will become involved for that specific reason. As for races they are all the same as the original story, there is not much change to them aside from the fact that someone might decide to make new races for their character. [quote=@Kafka Komedy] Dragonball has caught my interest as of late. I'd like to play as a sword fighter or something since it interested me that there's only really one person who even uses a weapon in DB. What 'powerlevel' would the starting characters be around? End of Dragonball/Beginning of Z yeah? [/quote] I have not decided as of yet what standing and top power levels will be for starting out. My Original concept for for Blitz was to give him a standing power of about fifty thousand and his top level being two hundred thousand in which case I would have to equal it out by making starting power levels a bit higher then one might usually make them. But as I said its undecided right now at the current moment, I may just lower Blitz power entirely so we can start at more realistic levels. So if I had to give an answer right now I would say around the start of DBZ.