Once the thunder strike came down it lit up just enough for Rosha to notice that the glowing being was R'Ornn the small furry creature that was rolling around the ship giggling like a fool, he wasn't doing the same in the sand right now, probably more than likely because of the situation. Rosha slowly approached the small furry being with her hands out to show that she wasn't hostile to the tiny guy as she took each step into black sand and nearly stepped on a crab matching the sand's color, once she gotten closer to the small being, the first thing that she noticed was that he wasn't doing so well, it almost reminded her of Fiers who she thought back to being curled up on the beach and probably panicking because he was on his own. Moving in closer to R'Ornn she spoke first before anything to not startle him just in case he didn't see her."[color=92278f] You are one of the crew correct? There is another member of the crew a bit further out on the beach, he isn't doing well.[/color]" She told him before noticing she might sound as if he was wounded."[color=92278f] He's panicking about the situation we're in, I left him out on the beach to calm down, are you going to be okay?[/color]" She asked him. All he would need to do is say "Yes" and she'd be off to get Fiers from where she left him, it would've taken her a bit to get back, but if he was in the same place where she told him to calm down, then she'd find him a little faster, part of her wondered if he wandered off, but she pushed the doubt from her mind. [@ManoftheNorth]