The dire panther stared them down with the dangerous and taciturn aura of a bunch of knives taped to a gun taped to a gargoyle. "So we have the good and the bad, and now the ugly." Walker's cocky smile tried to distract anyone in his radius from his quivering legs. The adrenaline was coursing through every rendered polygon of skin, making him take deep, laborious breaths. At last, a chance for the authentic cowboy to prove himself. His mind lovingly painted an image of Walker sitting in a fireplace, the head of a dire panther tacked to the wall, drinking apple juice that looked like alcohol and having Raine tell him he was cool. His right arm shot forwards like a firecracker, holding his slingshot in the worst way possible. He was doing twelve of the ten things you're not supposed to do with a slingshot, and displaying a dreamworks face the entire time. Walker swirled his arms around like a wise monk. "This town ain't big enough for the two of us, partner." "A-and you too Raine, it's big enough for us two, 'cause we're a team, but not for the dire panther, because uh, he can't pay taxes and he's naked, both of which are illegal you know." Walker's face quickly shifted back to being arrogant and feisty. After a few stretched out seconds of fiddling with the weapon a rock materialized in his left hand. The idiot stretched the slingshot as far as he could, awkwardly set the pebble and fired. If this were a movie, there would be a record scratch and a freeze frame, followed by Will's narration of "You're probably wondering how I got here."