[center][h1]Aster[/h1][/center] It was strange how comforting the inn was. Despite not really knowing anyone there very well, and even though the quest they'd all just completed hadn't really been all that difficult, Aster was glad to have the chance to just rest for a while, even if that meant that she had to put up with constant conversation for a while more. She didn't mind either of her de-facto partners; they actually seemed to be pretty well-meaning. Dirk had a powerful voice and a brash personality, but was simultaneously a caring, somewhat-idealistic young man. Kajin was far more pragmatic, and it was comforting to know that someone was taking this seriously, and was willing to put forth the effort necessary to keep the little group safe and moving in the proper direction. Despite Dirk's straightforward nature, Kajin struck her as a natural leader, if a behind-the scenes sort. Dirk, the cheery tank, would make an excellent people-person and head-basher if it came to that. What role did that put her in? She was apparently pretty okay with the sword, but her lack of experience was a definite weakness, as it left her woefully unprepared for the natural twists and turns of RPG tropes. "I'm all for dungeons if you lot are. I'm pretty good in the dark, as far as navigating goes. Oh, um. For the rest of you folks, I'm Aster. I'm a swordsman, and I'm with those two." She gestured to her teammates. "Thanks for the armor, Kajin. Really." She accepted the cloth armor, then rose suddenly from her seat. "I... I'm going to go get changed." Before anyone could respond, she hurried away, stepping into a corridor to equip the protective garments. They fit quite well, for being player-made, and had a bit of give to them, as though padded. They wouldn't make any sort of fashion statement, but would hopefully keep her alive for a while longer than she deserved. After a few minutes, she returned to the table, sitting beside Kajin, only a seat away from Dirk. She wasn't used to being surrounded by so many people, and keeping track of all the faces was a challenge in and of itself. It was so overwhelming, in fact, that she closed her eyes and just let the sounds of the inn wash over her. It was a calming, familiar sensation, and it was comforting to just spectate silently as the other, more experienced players discussed team-ups and strategies for the future of the game. [right][sub]Interacting with: [@Achronum] [@Duoya][/sub][/right]