"No, your doing it all wrong! You need to stay on the defensive and counter attack, imagine a bubble around yourself as far as your arms can reach and deflect any attacks that come into reach!" Rekin shouted, though he wasn't sure if Kiro could listen in the heat of battle so he walked to the criminals kicking a knife out of one of their hands and punching another in the side of their head to get their attention "Go watch from where I was, I'll show you what I mean." Rekin said pointing to the beginning of the alleyway over the now knocked out thug on the ground. After Kiro was out of the way Rekin got in a fighting position. "We'll teach you to toy with us!" One of the thugs said, obviously tired of them switching again, before swinging a pipe at Rekin's head, it stopped as Rekin caught it "Wh-What? How did you do that?" he said still trying to push the pipe down. "Weapons are just hunks of metal that weak people use to feel strong and hurt others." Rekin said remembering how he got his scar "However, if you know this there's nothing to be afraid of." he said looking at Kiro to make sure he was listening before crushing the pipe so it wouldn't be used again, dropping it to the ground. Soon after another one tried to stab him in the gut, Rekin grabbed the attacker's arm and knife throwing the knife away and slamming the thug onto his knee, and punching the back of his head before letting him fall to the ground. "Watch out man, he's like some karate god!" one of the two said The other thug punched Rekin in the stomach, he didn't try to block it "He doesn't seem so tough to-" the thug was cut off as he was struck, falling to the ground Rekin used the force of the punch to return the attack back in the form of a headbutt. When he got up there was a punch coming to the back of his head, Rekin swiftly caught the arm and threw the attacker over his shoulder onto the ground "So you see Kiro if you stay on the defensive fighting groups you will prevail in the end." Rekin said walking over to where Kiro was. "Yeah that's easy for you to say, you were a lot bigger and stronger than those guys! I'm just-" Kiro said before he was cut off by Rekin "An ant." Rekin said finishing Kiro's sentence "Like an ant to a wolf," he thought for a second "No, more like a ant to a elephant." he settled before hearing talking behind him "...Yeah you need to come show this guy what we're made of!" One of the thugs on the ground said, talking to someone on the phone. "Who are you talking to?" Rekin asked before walking over to the thug and taking the phone "Hello, who is this?" "Are you the one who beat up my crew!?" The person on the other line asked "Yes I believe so." "Well you're going to get the beating of your life!" "Alright, I'll be here." Rekin said before hanging up the phone and dropping it on the ground, soon someone came around the corner and bent a street sign with one hand, to show his power. "Master he's going to kill you, lets get out of here!" Kiro said pointing down to a main street Rekin walked over to the bent street sign pushing it up with his pinky "I don't see why we need collateral damage." Rekin said looking up at the boss "I'll kill you!" The thug said before throwing a punch at Rekin's face, it was stopped by his pinky! "You see Kiro it's not about power, it's about precision, skill and center of gravity!" Rekin said, he was using a toes to grip a manhole so he wouldn't fall! "What's happening?" the thug said as his fist was getting pushed back by a single finger, he was soon thrown back onto the ground, not knowing what was going on. The boss then pulled out a gun realizing that he couldn't win "I'll shoot you, don't think I won't do it!" Rekin started to walk towards the thug before the gun fired and he moved quickly to the right to dodge it. Rekin then grabbed the gun from his hand and unloaded it before giving it back "That bullet could have killed some one!" Rekin shouted angrily before kicking the man in the head, knocking him out "Even you could have done that Kiro if you had the proper training." Rekin said "Now lets go get some ice cream!" he shouted excitedly before walking out into the main street.