"It feels like a dagger is going through my mind." Kaleeth remarked, becoming increasingly frustrated at the headache. Her pain at the moment, it seemed, was quite literal. Although, the reality of how close she had come to death was likely to trouble her in the coming days as well. "Yes, please. I can hardly think." She answered to Sabine. Julan hated to see his mother suffering so much, but was at a loss for what to do. He seemed to have just been getting in the way ever since the pack returned, so he was afraid to do anything at the moment. He was sitting on the edge of the bed, near Kaleeth's feet, with his head hung low while trying to hide his tears. Meesei too kept her eye on Kaleeth, but it seemed that Sabine had taken the initiative in taking care of her needs. In any case, Meesei also needed to concentrate on keeping herself from falling into a similar state. Her burns were exposed to open air, and it was only through her own magic that she was not in agony at the moment. Fortunately, they would heal up sufficiently soon enough that she could avoid any suffering through the night. "That is a possibility. He does likely believe his cause to be just. Knowing his motive could be useful, depending upon the approach we choose. We need to decide if we want to attempt to dissuade Do'rhajul or otherwise break up his team diplomatically, or if we want to try and kill them outright."