[@Kratesis]Well there's a whole can of worms of there. A lot of people get smarter because they weren't physically attractive to begin with. A lot of people grow character because they weren't physically attractive to begin with. A lot of people find true happiness with someone else because they saw each other as beautiful rather than by going with societies standards. What's physically attractive to you doesn't mean it's attractive to others. What's physically attractive now might not be in 20 years when it will actually matter. What's physically attractive is also someone who is more likely to be used by others for their looks. And let's say you're right though, and it's clear cut black and white. If I have a child, I want them to have difficulties. Not to say I necessarily want them to be unappealing physically, or that I wouldn't provide for them, but a lack of difficulties is a lack of actual character. I'm the biggest critic of my parents but even when we weren't struggling for money, my mom didn't give us anymore than we needed and it helped me to live by myself as an adult. I can say similar things about looks. Some people find me conventionally attractive now, but growing up they did not. I wouldn't have changed that. Being seen as unappealing helped me be more mature later in life when I became appealing. [quote=@Penny] [@POOHEAD189] Maybe my Kuru is acting up but this seems to make less sense the more you explain it. Let me recapitulate. Even if it were only for the parents aesthetic benefit, I don't see any reason why they shouldn't tip the scale of random selection one way or the other. They are choosing to create a child, why not choose for it to have dark lustrous hair? Why would randomness necessarily be better than design? You might end up with a girl anyway, why not put your thumb on the scale. Admittedly its not a great use of what would be amazing tech, but neither is 99% of what people do with tech. [/quote] I feel like I'd just be regurgitating my points. As with most ethical arguments I feel like it'll go back and forth in a circle. I'll just say I am uncomfortable with it, but I can see why it looks like a nonissue to some as well.