[b]Aurora Garuda's Hive [/b] [hider=My Hider] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/f/fd/Mos_Eisley.png/revision/latest?cb=20121208215412[/img] [/hider] The Sith Task force consisted only of the Dark Lord and several commandos under the guise of black cloaks. To appear even less incognito the small group had spread itself apart arriving at various locations in the city. The city was larger even in person and the population was significantly denser than anticipated. As the Sith task force navigated throughout the city streets, taking note of various landmarks and personal it became obvious that perhaps the Galactic Center was far more populated than anticipated. For all the smugglers and criminals that can be seen wandering the streets, there was enough civilians from various parts of the galaxy that really set the tone that people rather live on these remote, crime ridden planets than live in the war zones they originally came from. Due to the relaxed atmosphere that Dragos allowed in a mission like this a single commando commented "It's as if they took Mos Eisley from Tatooine and dropped it off here." Dragos couldn't help but agree, the similarity was unquestionable. "Be aware of your surroundings, turns out we just stumbled on to a Hutt controlled city. Garuda's gang call it Paradise, locals call it Garuda's Hive" Another commando stated, informing his comrades. "I thought the Hutts were too fat and lazy to move" "You've seen Nar Shadda, why share a shit hole with your competitors when you could thrive in your shit hole away from everyone" Dragos remained quiet, not minding the chatter between his commandos until an individual caught his attention with the individual immediately recognizing the Dark Lord. Dragos pressed the comlink by his ear "I've found something. Don't make contact with me unless it's an emergency, Dragos out." As Dragos ended his communication, the brown cloaked individual stepped forward to greet the Sith. "Ah Lord Dragos... I knew we would meet again, what took you so long?" The Jedi stopped just short in front of the Sith. Dragos stared back at the individual across from him, the tension between them building as for a moment they both silently debated on taking their chances on igniting their weapon and striking the first blow. "Master Kavar... I wasn't expecting you to be here." "Hmm, of course... come, let's go for a drink I'm thirsty" The Jedi replied. The sudden change in Kavar's behavior caused the Sith Lord to be wary but as Kavar walked towards a nearby cantina, the Sith relaxed sensing the Jedi truly did intend to talk. The pair found themselves a corner, isolated from the majority of the crowd. The music was loud and various alien species talked and cursed amongst themselves or at each other. The pair sat in silence, eyes locked before Kavar alas offered the opening words "You look well. I almost forgot what you looked like underneath that helmet of yours, did you lose it?" Ah yes, a quick jab by the Jedi. Dragos scoffed at his witty comment "It didn't seem appropriate to wear it. People tend to recognize Sith Lords" "Perhaps, but not here in the Galactic Center, I've seen all sorts of wild shit and after seeing what I've seen and hearing what I've heard, nobody in this part of the galaxy cares about no damn Sith Lord" "Is that so?" "Yup. I've heard of about this fanatical group of aliens who will set a planet on fire just for the hell of it or there's this one group, feminine in appearance but their warriors are among the very elite. From what I hear they would give even our best commando units quite the match" Dragos again scoffed at Kavar's comments. Feeling he wasn't being taken seriously Kavar insisted on continuing. "How about..." "So which one of them attacked your ship" Dragos interjected not wanting to hear anymore about what lay beyond Imperial territory. "Is this a joke?" Kavar's tone deepened as the mood soured, "A Sith Vengeance Class Dreadnought attacks us and I'm suppose to believe you had no idea?" "There were no Imperial ships in the area when your ship attacked." "I know my Imperial ships, I know what attacked us. If you really didn't know, then it seems there are some Imperials that won't even answer to you" The statement irked the Sith Lord however... "Lord Dragos." Suddenly a message was incoming from the Sith's comlink. The Sith Lord opted to ignore the very comment but the other line insisted. "Lord Dragos, come in." "What is it trooper?" Dragos questioned. "Sir, the locals are starting to get a little antsy... and it's not because of us. They think something is coming" Dragos didn't reply as his attention focused on the veteran Jedi who smirked noting Dragos facial expressions no matter how subtle. "Yeah, you feel it too don't you... something is coming"