[center] [img]https://s.yimg.com/lo/api/res/1.2/cGBewzb2oswkRXs3cWOudA--/YXBwaWQ9eWlzZWFyY2g7Zmk9Zml0O2dlPTAwNjYwMDtncz0wMEEzMDA7aD00MDA7dz02MDM-/http://snowbrains.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/beautiful-town-in-the-shadow-of-mountain-hdr-hd-wallpaper-35489.jpg.cf.jpg[/img] [color=fff200]LAWSON[/color] Slice of Life, Romance, +18 MxF Lawson, Maine is a fictional town set in the United States. A sleepy, yet idyllic town which lies at the foot of the Whitewater Mountains. Our story will start with the arrival of a new kid and will take course over a summer, where he will, somehow, befriend the town's hot-headed delinquents on-off girlfriend. I'm searching for a female to play the part of the girlfriend and I will play the new guy. PM me with any questions or interest and we can work together to flesh this out a little. [/center]