[quote]Just as their are variations between the traits individuals find attractive there is also a general trend. In short, the features humans find attractive are a scatter plot but there is also a trend line and that line correlates strongly with high cheekbones, secondary sexual characteristics and facial symmetry.[/quote] The first trait is arguable and the other two traits are generalities. [quote]What does "a lot" mean Poohead? Are we talking one percent of unattractive people? Two percent? Maybe ten? I'm just spitballing numbers here but- A: 'Maybe if I make him ugly he'll become a better person and get smarter!' sounds like a low percentage bet. B: It's also a pretty crappy thing to do to a human being who you care about. This is someone's life we are talking about here. C: I doubt it's even true.[/quote] A. It's the norm, not a low percentage. But I never said I want them to be ugly. B. No one said to make them ugly. But even if that were the case, that's my point. This is their life, and do I want them to have a higher percentage chance of being mature and having character or do I want them to have 'facial symmetry.' C. You...what? You doubt... how. As in you think it's impossible? Do you really hold physical appearance at such a high standard that you cannot fathom someone loving someone else romantically for their personality? I'm not actually assuming this of you but I don't know how else to take that. [quote]While your satisfaction with one element of your parents approach to raising you is a positive I don't really see what that has to do with genetics. (Though I agree with their choice to not spoil their children.)[/quote] Simply using it as an example. Difficulties are good. Parents not making things too easy for a child helps them grow. Then again, while difficulties are good, so is healthy choices. Which is just one more reason why I don't want to touch genetics other than halting diseases. [quote]That maturity is why you named yourself Poohead, I assume? Forgive me if I am not quite persuaded of the validity of your logic here ;-P[/quote] I lol'd. I'll paraphrase the explanation of the name from my profile. "To be honest, I have a lot of interests and I take who I am very seriously. So why the poo? Because I could never really find something that I felt could describe me in a way that I would want. I made it up when I was 5, and just like my actual name Ben, I never thought it needed changing. If people want to judge me for that, good. It's them reading a book by its cover."