[@POOHEAD189] I am finding some of your statements so vague that it is hard for me to understand precisely what you want to communicate to me. [quote]All I was saying was, making your baby (or anyone) conventionally attractive is not an inherent good because of a lot of factors. Maturity can be one. Character can be one.[/quote] So what you are saying, if I am understanding you correctly, is that making your children attractive isn't always good because there is an element of chance to life. They -could- end up immature. They -could- end up with a bad character. They -could- end up in a field where they -might- be discriminated against for their appearance. That is like saying that leveling up in D&D isn't, how did you put it.. 'inherently good'.. because you could still roll a low number on your dice. [i]So what if you get +5 attack! You have a 50% chance to roll a 10 or less![/i] Obviously this is a non sequitur.