1. Nation Name: Empire of The Sunny States 2. Head of State & Age: Emperor Hideshi, Age 58 3. Political Alignment during the Most Atrocious War: Entered the war as a Pact Nation, Ended the war as a Pact Nation 4. Culture: The Empire is an Northern Island State with an culture of its own. 98% of the inhabitants are of the original Sunny States culture and the remaining 2% of some southern cultures. The food is related to in real life Japanese and Chinese food while many of the inhabitants are of the Buddhist Religion. Ever since the creation of the first States, the inhabitants had been used to military control until recent when unification brought an end to the military rule and started an royal rule. The remaining 2% is an special region in the south of the state which had been given special status after unification. During military rule, it was heavily oppressed but resisted trough Guerilla warfare. Their food and clothing are related to Southeast Asian culture.