[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/mqWLFiy.jpg?1[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjg4LjY2NWM1Yy5UV2xrWjJGeS4w/gipsiero.regular.png[/img][/center] Midgar is the capital city and power base of the Shinra Electric Power Company in the world of Gaia. This is the primary setting at the start of this role play. Midgar embodies many themes in FF7. The greedy capitalism of Shinra and the authoritarian power the company can project, the environmental disaster that faces the Planet, and how new is rapidly replacing old, displacing the lives of many people. Midgar is the most technologically advanced city on the planet. Its large circular structure is supported above the ground by [b]8 Mako Reactors[/b] and a central pillar with various other supports around the city. On top of the structure lies the city proper, divided into eight sectors, while underneath it lie the [b]Midgar Slums[/b] where the poor and downtrodden make their home. Midgar was once eight individual towns but their names have been forgotten in favor of referring to the different areas as sectors. Governed as a police state, the city is home to some of the richest and most powerful people who run most of the city’s affairs from the central Shinra Building, which dominates the cityscape. Construction of the city began in 1976 to provide residence for the Shinra Electric Power Company’s growing investment and employment base. Because of the eight Mako Reactors, the city’s massive power demands are met, but at the cost of the surrounding countryside, which has become a barren wasteland due to the city sapping the surrounding life energy. Because of this, the city and its reactors are a prime target for terrorism by rebel groups like AVALANCHE who seek to restore the planet to its former state and to stop Shinra from sapping its life energy. Midgar is considered a technological pizza in design. Although it was previously mentioned that there are 8 sectors, there is actually a ninth sector called Sector 0 at the center of the city. Sector 0 is the central district which holds the main headquarters of Shinra. Each sector has a Mako Reactor that provides it with electricity. The Midgar Slums, the projects beneath the plates of the rich and wealthy, can be accessed via city train or hidden paths throughout the city’s sewer system. The train can be a risky method of travel for stowaways. The train will pass through security checkpoints between each sector, and the entire train will pass through a scanner that scans the train passes of all personnel aboard. Most stowaways try to ride the train and dismount before the train reaches the security checkpoint. This illegal act has allowed for criminal types to traverse the plates of the wealthy and prosperous and cause trouble. Street gangs tend to venture to the top, rob from the rich, but they do not give to the poor. Street gangs will also target innocents of the plate and harm them through assault and nonconsensual acts. Shinra Troop actively patrol the city by foot, vehicle, or roboguard, but they can’t always stop the crimes from happening. An AVALANCHE safe house is rumored to be in the Midgar Slums but has yet to be found. [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjQwLjY2NWM1Yy5UbTkwWVdKc1pTQk1iMk5oZEdsdmJuTSwuMAAA/ferrum.extra-condensed.png[/img] [i]Writers can create common locations, whether they be movie theaters, restaurants, cafes, bars, fight clubs, etc. Whatever location a writer creates will be listed here for all writers to refer to. These locations will be able to be visited and appreciated by all characters. PM the GM once you create an establishment or place. I won't always see that you've done it.[/i] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjQwLjY2NWM1Yy5UbTkwWVdKc1pTQkRhR0Z5WVdOMFpYSnouMAAA/ferrum.extra-condensed.png[/img] [i]Writers can create NPCs that are either well-known owners or workers of the locations listed above, or a face characters may commonly see around the city. The NPCs of writers will be listed here. PM the GM if you want to add a NPC to this list.[/i] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjQwLjY2NWM1Yy5TVU1nVW5Wc1pYTWdKaUJPYjNSbGN3LCwuMAAA/ferrum.extra-condensed.png[/img] [list][*]Writers are free to explore the 8 (or 9) Sectors of Midgar and make what they want of them. You can create drama for yourselves, but don't try to destroy the world or Mako Reactors. Leave that sort of drama to the GM as the GM uncovers the plot. [*]I expect the GM events and the free-flowing time that exists in Midgar to happen at different times of the year. Your character can be in Midgar doing a personal plot, and also in a GM event at the same time. The idea is that they happen on different dates. [*]Street Gangs, Mafias, etc. are people worth adding to the "Notable Characters" list. Especially if they're a big problem. [*][color=gray][b]Font Color Discipline[/b][/color] Again, do not use neon or somber colors. We want to be able to comfortably read your work, so don't do it. [*][color=gray][b]No Large Pics[/b][/color] If you want to use pics to jazz-up your posts, large pictures that take up the screen are not permitted. They look very bad and they don't make your posts look better. Shrink them, link them, or hide them. If they are hidden, they still better be small. [*][color=gray][b]No OOC in the IC[/b][/color] No OOC chatter in the IC. We have an OOC for a reason. Keep your fourth-wall dialog out of the IC. Thank you. [*][color=gray][b]Police Each Other[/b][/color] If you see a player violating these rules, please inform them that they are doing so. If they blow you off, then tell me. I'll deal with it. That's what I'm here for. My purpose is to make sure this game moves and is enjoyable for the players. I get rid of drama queens in a heartbeat. Also be sure to let me know if we have some "Bad Ass vs The World" types of writers. You'll know them when you see them. They are obvious, and I will get rid of them.[/list]