Not a single care was given from Claudia regarding the symbol. First off, the others would remember it. Second, there probably weren't a lot of symbols to look for, so why should she worry about it? [i]Why not me?[/i] Claudia thought, though in Rusalka's much more intimidating voice. [i]I'm the adventurer. I'm the one they'd take seriously, not just another pretty face. You're not even in the Society.[/i] [i]You take that back, miss edgy. I'm the one of us who's better known. I'm sure I'm much more relatable.[/i] [i]You spent a couple months in prison. That's not impressive. It means you got caught.[/i] [i]Well, if I hadn't, you wouldn't exist. It's better than someone who wears fashion accessories to be scary. And I was the one who got us out of there. You may have convinced me I could, but I did it my way. Talking. Not sneaking around, and, as you said, "shankin' bitches like they're a poor man's dinner."[/i] Rusalka's voice grew quiet in her head, but even though it was in her own voice instead of the vigilante guise's, Rusalka laughed through Claudia. Not an evil laugh at least. Just a quiet, 'okay, we're good now' chuckle. Also quietly, a whisper from Claudia herself: "This better be fun."