Sabine briskly retrieved a potion from a nearby shelf. It was one of several she had made earlier to treat everyone's injuries in some capacity or another. She removed its stopper as she walked back beside Kaleeth and held it out. "Drink this. It will relieve the pain for a while." "Thank you, Sabine," Janius said. While he pulled back a little to give Kaleeth space to take her medicine, he held one arm open and caught Julan's eye. "Son, come here." Whether or not Julan accepted the embrace, Janius spoke to him all the same. "We're sorry to give you a scare like this. Are you okay?" Fendros sighed. "To be honest, any surprises and advantages we may have held beforehand were spent in that fight. We know much more about them now, but they also learned more about us. Perhaps I'm still shaken from the ambush, but I cannot come up with any way to defeat them or ambush them short of taking huge risks." He lifted his brow. "At the same time, we only have leads on Yerig. We might try to persuade him, or even try to make Do'Rhajul read our evidence, but we know little in how to persuade the others. Especially that madwoman with her staff." Fendros' eyes wandered. "Anyone have any ideas?" "I was lucky against Do'Rhajul. I crippled him." Sabine lowered herself down on a seat again and pushed her straight arms onto her knees nervously. "I could have killed him. I do not think I could defeat him again."