[quote=@Ellri] from what we can see, you do not have an avatar, [@Anaeia]. [/quote] Yeah, I was trying to mess with it and they weren't showing up. I'll have to try again and see how that goes. [quote=@NuttsnBolts] On your profile page next to your name, there is an edit button. Within this section you can edit custom titles, avatars, and signature images. In your profile page, down under the status update, should have another edit for your Bio. It's not much but can be customized like your posts. A few people have some fancy designs so be sure to check them out. Lastly, Mahz was working on Email notifications but hadn't got around to finishing it. He's been pretty busy with his personal life so it'll come around when it comes around. In the meantime you can use the subscriptions which will notify you of any new posts as soon as you visit the site. [/quote] Thank you very much. I'll have to go through those again.