When the woman fell on him from the booming voice that shook the ground, Zaccar had half a mid to shove her off but let her get up by her own means rather then be disrespectful. He sheathed his sword and placed the shield on his back once more looking up at Dormin and the woman who stood behind him holding a child. So it would seem they were not the first to be there as they had thought. He did not pay to much attention to the woman behind Dormin though, seeing that Dormin was a shadow, not a person gave him a bad feeling. Perhaps it was merely a feeling but he soon felt like he should be careful in trusting what Dormin said. Then of course the mad woman made her demand known, trying to lay claim to the wishes that Dormin supposedly granted. Would it really be that easy, to simply ask for a wish? Zaccar had debated that since he began traveling to here. If it was so simple as asking then why not more people, surely everyone had a wish that they wanted granted so why not more then just four warriors? "I doubt it's that simple," Zaccar answered from behind the mad woman ",I'd rather ask what does he or it want in return for giving us our wishes? What it would want us to do to lay claim to our hearts desire?"