[youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2Oci7962pI[/youtube] Jessica's green eyes darted to and fro in a desperate attempt to seek out any contemporary luxuries. This place already had a vegan anime Starbucks, so where were the other stores? After giving up almost immediately after starting she whizzed to the message board, making the obvious connection that without money, they would probably die. And then sword guy's ghost would haunt [i]her[/i] ghost and it would suck. How would you even exorcise a ghost's ghost? Were you supposed to use an exorcist ghost? Could a ghost's ghost also be haunted by a ghost? How deep could that go before god got a headache and just sent you all to therapy? These thoughts weren't really thought of in the standard way inside Jessica's cranium. They were fuzzy concepts that were in her mind, but were unable to be digested by her directly. They were unreachable, sort of like a flounder staring at seagulls soaring above the ocean, or a person trying to vocalize last night's dream about turning into a giant foot. Jessica sighed. She sighed again, this time out of frustration. The alphabet soup of messages wasn't that hard to read, considering some of the villagers also didn't know how to spell words larger than two syllables, but it cost her several sugar cubes worth of energy to process the text. The teen read key words out loud to herself, trying to put two and two together. Sketches of men covered in scars, drawings of animals, tarot cards, food and the like drowned each other out. At last she sighed a third time and put her arms behind her head. "Man, prehistoric picture day looks [i]wild[/i]."