As expected, the knife nut took the opportunity to don his mask too. As doubly expected, his newfound appearance was just plain creepy. Now, both of them stood there, transformed and empowered by strange means, perhaps destined to have an epic confrontation to decide their fates... But perhaps not, seeing as one of the others intervened to try and subdue him first. Michael recognised him as one of the ones that had been quick to jump on the tracks. Now here he was, sporting a fancy new appearance himself, spraying a magical substance on Mr. Nutjob. It seemed he was more concerned with getting them moving on to ghosty's destination of choice for them. [color=fdc68a]"Hey, I don't mind, as long as this creep's down."[/color] He told him. Given they weren't even on Earth, it could hardly be described as "police business" anymore. If it hadn't been for the psycho here, Michael would have been making tracks to this town himself, but as it stood, he had been more concerned about getting knifed in the back before he could do so. Now at least, it seemed the madman was being restrained. Funnily enough, he didn't even seem like he was fighting back, as though he hadn't noticed he was getting wrapped up until just now. His words upon coming back to reality were disturbing though. The son of a bitch was trying to extol the young man to take his gun. [color=fdc68a]"Keep your mouth shut, freak."[/color] Michael spoke to him caustically, with one eye shooting to the kid. He didn't think it was likely, but he really hoped he didn't have any ideas about actually taking his gun. He kept his gun trained on the psycho's head, however. It seemed as though they had him at their mercy, but even if the police were irrelevant here, it was still part of Michael's code not to go killing restrained prisoners, even if part of him wanted to in this scenario. They couldn't leave him here, either, as if this guy got loose while they weren't looking, who knew just what damage he could do? It was only the responsible thing for them to take him with them and keep him under wraps, even if Michael would be happier having him as far away from them as possible. [color=fdc68a]"You need any help carrying this guy?"[/color] Michael asked the kid, assuming it was his plan to drag him as well. It seemed like he was inclined to get everyone he could moving to ghost girl's little town. [color=fdc68a]"If not, I'm good to make tracks."[/color] [@Letter Bee] [@Scarescrow]