[@Dark Light] I do enjoy a structured game, and in the past in various role plays I used such systems to keep things in check. The unfortunate truth though and downside to this kind of system is that most role players tend to feel trapped within it. A lot of people prefer to be more free formed instead of a system that governs everything when it comes to the aspects of move sets, fights and so on. The idea is great and its sound but my biggest fear is the role play might not survive with it as most people are not willing to join a role play with complex systems (Its not complex to everyone of course but to a large majority it is). Depending on how a system is set up and used ultimately makes little difference to most, its just the fact that it exists that makes people wanna click on to the next thread. As this has garnered much interest already I feel more or less that if you feel strongly about a point system to keep the game on the up an up then I encourage you to convince the other role players of it that have already shown interest. If you can make then feel at ease with it then I will be happy to let you form a system we can use and implement. I see that the majority in this thread do not want the system, but I have no problem giving you a little time to convince them otherwise, as long it stays civilized but that goes without saying of course. Seeming this not just my opinion at this point I would rather we discuss it more maybe find something we can all agree on.