★★★ “Here ye, Here ye. There is a ferocious ogre at the drinking well outside of the town. His presence certainly became a nuisance. Most villagers are unable to acquire drinking water. I ask that someone please rid of the beast and bring peace to this town.” -Mayor This seemed promising. A perfect example of heroics that could truly test their powers! Not only that but a pun as well. Aear was delighted to see that puns were also in this world they now inhabited. [i][color=6ecff6]Alrighty then, So a search amd conquer mission. Seems simple enough and could easily score us some good points with the mayor of this town.[/color][/i] Aear grabbed the post off of the board to bring over to their teammates and see what they thought of the mission. They made their way towards them and held up the paper. [color=6ecff6]Look! I thought maybe we could do a mission to get some bearings on our powers as well as challenge us a little. This one was posted by the mayor so maybe it'll help our town rep and have good loot. So...whatdya think?[/color] They stood there with a grin plastered to their face going from ear to ear. The eagerness to use magic and combat was so apparent it was practically posted on their face.[color=00aeef]There are ofcourse other missions that are harder and may warrant better rewards but I'd figured if ask permission from you guys first before daring those[/color] [@Mistory][@Pumpkinbot]