While normally Band's job consists directly of keeping an eye on his block of the town, shooing away any beggars and intimidating bandits enough to prevent the crime he is paid to work against... The issues that have raised their dirty heads the past days have made goods quite a bit harder to come by. His favorite tavern closing early in fear of the whispers that crawl from door to door about the events that have transpired. This means no matter how much he wanted to lay low and stay clear of this, the darkness in question was getting in the way of his drink. As Evanesstra prods for Band's attention, He heaves a breathy sigh and collects his shield. He walks heavily along side her. Standing tall even for humans at this time, he repeatedly drops his hand to his side and brush against Evanesstra. Unable to see her even at her position through the fog. Aside from the clanking of his Armour and shield, the gray exterior is mostly silent. Lights dim where lit, or covered by the fog otherwise. He gives a small grunt acknowledging the figures that show from the fog. He looks back to Evanesstra to get an idea of her plan, only to find her look of annoyance. Band Follows her through the opening and smirks at the men as they past past, his hand moving to the blade at his hip. The men turn back and avoid further attention. "So where exactly do you plan on starting our search here? Everything so far is hear-say..." He mumbles down to her.