[quote=@Crosswire] On a side note I have to say I'm glad I'm not the only one who remembers Resident Evil Outbreak. I LOVE those games. [/quote] To everyone: [b]Have any of you played RE: Outbreak, out of curiosity? Which Resident Evil games have you played, if any?[/b] I played: -RE0 -RE1 (PS1 version, tried RE1 remake on PC but it wouldn't run properly due to computer specs) -RE2 -RE3 -RE Outbreak -RE Outbreak File#2 -RE4 (not really "horror", but still good games) -RE5 (same with RE4, it wasn't really horror, but still a solid game) -RE7 (meh, I'm not really into FPS games) -RE: ORC (different, but I liked it) -RE: Revelations (also good) Currently playing RE6. Controls feel less fluid than RE5 from what I remember. Just as an FYI, this RP is largely inspired by the Outbreak games [quote=@Crosswire] On a side note I have to say I'm glad I'm not the only one who remembers Resident Evil Outbreak. I LOVE those games. [/quote] [quote=@Kazemitsu] Well since my questions were answered in the interest I'll post up a character o.o [hider= Bigby] [b]Name:[/b] Bigby [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [hider=Appearance]Appearance [b]Height:[/b] 6'4 [b]Weight:[/b] 286lb Bigby is a big guy, pretty well muscled given his profession. His arms are pretty scarred up with a hint of a tattoo showing beneath his sleeves. His brown hair is of a medium length and held back by leather skullcap. Most of his face is hidden behind a big beard, long enough that he actually braided it. He's always seen in a gray t-shirt, black cargo pants, and black steel mill boots. Sometimes he'll have fingerless gloves on.[/hider] [b]Occupation:[/b] Blacksmith [b]Sanctuary:[/b] Jacks's Bar [b]Preferred weapon choice:[/b] Bludgeons [b]HP:[/b] XX/XX [b]How did your character get stuck in Raccoon City:[/b] Bigby lives in Raccoon City, on the outskirts of it anyway. His profession of choice wouldn't exactly thrive in the inner-city anyway. But he got stuck in the city when he went in to get some shopping for materials. His pick-up truck had been hit and the frame completely snapped behind the cab. So instead of walking aimlessly he started for his favorite bar. [/hider] [hider=Bigby's Iventory] [b]Slot 1:[/b] empty [b]Slot 2:[/b] empty [b]Slot 3:[/b] empty [b]Memento:[/b] Leather necklace with a shard of metal. Has the nordic rune for strength on the shard. [/hider] [/quote] [@Kazemitsu] [b]APPROVED.[/b] I added you to OOC and you're cleared to post in IC now as well.