[centre][h2][color=firebrick] Clara Baldwin [/color][/h2][/centre] Clara slid down a slight slope then folded up the map and looked around at what was area 1. There was a group of Aptonoth drinking from the small body of water. She looked around for some mushrooms then Armend asked his question, she was not fond of the nickname but let it slide because she called him almond. [color=00aeef]"Yeah, I guess you're right. I was a builder, lord knows we need them. But I never got a massive sense of enjoyment out of it. And I always admired Cyrus... So yeah, I think this is going to be more than just a job for me."[/color] Clara then found some mushrooms but they were all green and blue. She frowned but picked them anyway, she'd probably need them later. Clara absentmindedly put a hand on her eye patch and sigh quietly. [color=00aeef]"So what brings you to our fine village anyway? You catch news of us needing a hunter and decided to come and help us out?"[/color] Her voice displayed a distinct vibe of curiosity which Clara would not often show. [centre][h2][color=Gray] Environment [/color][/h2][/centre] The group of Apatonoth was 6 strong with 1 child following close behind rather than drink from the water like the rest the baby decided it wanted to eat some shrubs, it chewed away happily making soft crunching noises. Area 1 seemed fairly tranquil, nothing really happening except for herbivores grazing.