Gill was about to respond to Vixen's question when the place erupted into pure chaos. Two of the students had gone insane into and one of them morphed into a full blown demon. His attention was also brought towards the super heated yelling of Ali and Alex who looked ready to kill one another. When Alex made the statement of her intent to kill the prince Gilliam made his move. He snapped both of his fingers and first cast an illusion that made Ali vanish from Alex's sight and in his place were bright neon blue zombies with rainbow eyes and glowing green slime pouring from their mouths. They growled and moved towards Alex to attack. His second spell conjured a giant baby was half red and half blue with with spikes lining its back and arms. The monster infant picked up Ali and swallowed him whole. The prince would be unarmed and safe inside the creatures stomach until the chaos was stopped. Gill ordered the baby to quickly move over to him and he put himself between the monster and Alex. He cast a third spell and giant crab with chainsaws for pincers appeared ready for battle. "Stand down and help us stop the other two students! End this pathetic feud" he commanded with his eyes blazing showing no fear and radiating intense power. [@PharaohAtem][@The One]