[center][h2]Jericho Joranis|Friend or Genuine Foe[/h2][/center] The bounty hunter blinked in surprise before holding up his hands in a stop position. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on. Just because I don't want to see it killing you all doesn't mean I want it figuring out the tech on my ship either, cause a lot of it is just as dangerous, if not all of it. Why not set up an interrogation area inside the Quarian Ark? I get the feeling they've already studied various of pieces of wreckage from it already, though they haven't seemed to figure any of it out yet if they're still attacking." Another thought had occurred to Jericho, but he had no intention of sharing that one if he could help it, since the implications behind that were less than pleasant. Pulling up the weapon he'd been working on, the human SAM would receive a notification after about a minute, describing a modified version of a short sword with a second, shorter blade coming off the bottom of the hilt that could be detached for sword and dagger combat. The guard was also packing an electrical grid that allowed for stunning blows to be delivered at appropriate times.