The scroll in Sieve's hand was twisting from being clamped so hard. The phrase "white-knuckling the scroll" would have been handy here, but Sieve's knuckles are always white. As soon as Mable announced that she was returning to the rune-cave the skeleton quickly began to chase after her. "W-wait please! It might not be safe for organi-" "Er, I'll help!" [hr] While it is true that most of Sieve's abilities were irrelevant know that people knew all about the benefits of washing their hands and wiping properly, he was still a super soldier created with the intent of scouting areas too dangerous for those who had pink mushy bits inside of them. So, while the doctor's extensive know-how on burning corpses and not sneezing into people's mouths was now worthless, he still excelled at his primary purpose of being a mine canary. The scout neatly and quietly took off his boots and set them behind the wall the party had taken cover in. His body movements were too calm to make his robes flap around, keeping a pair of bony lewd feet secret from everyone else. And of course, his scroll was held tightly in his left hand. Sieve now knew how to glide around with wind, but he was too cautious to be using such a new ability so soon. Instead, the soldier began to run towards the left side of the room, roughly slamming on the floor everytime a projectile came too close. By having wind instead of fat in his body, the skeleton slinked around quickly but very, very loudly. After speed-stomping around for a bit he quickly began to inhale air while brainstorming without a brain. Their mechanical opponents seemed capable of firing off green light with the power to melt metal. [i]Figures, the second I'm to develop miraculous powers everything else does too.[/i] Sieve keenly paid attention to the battlefield, but neglected to factor in just how silent the robots were in comparison to him. One of them cutely emerged from one side of the wall, forcing Sieve to play a nice game of hot-potato-but-with-weapons. Barrels turned into toothpicks and the wall began to melt into a nice iron mousse as robot and skeleton traded ranged attacks. While the pile of bones had regained composure, his cautious, precise shots struggled to actually land against the machine. The robot's green orbs of light were a bigger threat, but the opponent had difficulties in charging up as much. It was a tense, slow paced battle decorated by inhales of air and violence happening elsewhere in the room. Sieve made a big deal of being tired, limping and everything, as he stuck out his left hand. With a flutter of robes he had managed to bait his foe into firing at the scroll. The skeleton was giddy with excitement. [i]Oh, the joys of not being ostracized are simply too wonderful![/i]