[@Pikmin Eye][@Eklispe] Flabébé flew to block Vine Whips, but no Vine Whips came. Instead, Sprout dashed and jumped into the water, making Onix have to break to avoid splashing into the wet substance which would have ensured defeat. Flabébé, weak and a little confused, finally let out a little cry as the last of her health was sapped by the Leech Seed binding her and she fell to the ground, fainted. [color=faeb87]‘Flaaaa…’[/color] [color=b2dced]‘Flabébé…!’[/color] Cathia cried out a little, before biting together and returning the fairy to her Pokéball, before grabbing and throwing her one other remaining Pokémon into the mix. Marill bounced out, ready to play again with a little smile on its blue body, but it still retained substantial damage from before. [color=b2dced]‘Onix, back away from the water, Rock Throw! Marill, be ready to Water Gun the Bulbasaur’s attacks, but otherwise, Tail Whip!’[/color] Cathia commanded. And, as commanded, Onix pulled away from the water a bit, the huge shape making echoing noise as the rock snake curled its tail another boulder to throw. Tinier Marill dashed to stand at its side, and unless otherwise seeing Sprout do anything, would Tail Whip. So, what would he do now?