Starfire Starfire sat in a golden and silver egg she was always restless sensing the dark energy coming from Zygins egg not to far from her she would constantly fidget and claw at the egg in an attempt to break though so she could create some distance between them she could hardly stand being so close to such darkness eventually as the egg began to weaken form her constantly striking it the egg broke apart forming a hole in the centre just big enough for her to clim out off once she was out she backed up away from Zygins while glaring at him she she saw a few dragons talking in the background it seamed there was another dragon deeper in the cave in some kind of danger "if there in someone in trouble we should do everything in our power to help them" Nightshade Nightshade listened to his sister it seamed there was another dragon deeper inside the cave with something else something dangerous not that he pertinently cared what happened to this dragon he looked to his Sister "lets just leave the cave we have no obligation to save that dragon or anyone else for that matter we don't know or trust then so why would we help them should just focus on ourselves" Shockwave Shockwave open his eye as he hear the words of his brother 'hello everyone' he sat up and took a look around he had no idea what was going on and he didn't understand why everyone was just sitting around talking he looked his brother before speaking "I'm going to go exploring" With that he began to walk away heading deeper into the cave Boulder Boulder egg is a simple brown egg that sat a little deeper in the cave then the rest after an earthquake sent it rolling down a slope she sat comfortably enjoying the peace and quiet for a long time until her body grew to big for the egg and began pushing up agents it at that point the egg began to crack and the smallest amount of movement was enough to break it open she climbed out of the egg and soon realised she was the last one to hatch she could sense what was going deeper in the cave and when she closed her eyes she could make out vage shapes one looked small like another hatchling while the other three where far bigger she climbed up the small slope and looked to the others "there is another dragon deeper in the cave and three big umm well i don't actually know what they are but there are big and I'm pretty sure they are dangerous we should go help the dragon before its to late"