[@DriveEMOut][@Jaded][@HumanMusic][@knifeman] Delilah looked in the mirror for the third time to make sure she looked alright. Why she was so worried about it, she want sure. This was actually her third high school party she had gone to, but she told her dad that she was staying the night at a friend's house. Sure she looked as good as she was going to get, Delilah left her house, kissing her dad's cheek bye as she did. She hopped in her old '69 Black Chevy truck and headed towards the school. It was several miles from her house, so, not real far of a drive. As she pulled up, she noticed there was already a group of people. Lila and Ramona, Aaron, Eugene, Jesse. Delilah parked her truck and got out. They were all people she knew, but weren't exactly friends with. [color=ec008c]"I'm not late am I?"[/color] She asked with a smile as she approached the group, her eyes lingering on Eugene a little longer than anyone else.