Ayem's silhouette wavered in the breeze. In the end it was just her coat, tugging at a pole of a woman who didn't move much when she listened. What would be more wrong- to talk to this child with the same meaningless comforts that were all she yet knew how to offer, or try and work through the cloud of depressive mystery above her like the spirit's puzzle it so clearly was? Ayem's shins showed up at Mary's level again and she lifted her chin with a spindly finger, letting their eyes meet. [color=fff79a]"You came this far, didn't you?"[/color] she half-whispered. [color=fff79a]"If you really believe you can, then you'll find the people you love again. No matter how far you've floated apart. And in the meantime I'll be big enough for both of us."[/color] She ruffled Mary's hair. [color=fff79a]"So, do you think you're ready to keep going? Just say the word if you're too tired to- too sad to walk."[/color]