[center][img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/1c8c4c03d26358fff1e4c5e3beffb721/tumblr_mufnwqFzl81surhpxo1_250.jpg[/img] [i]"I used to think I couldn't go a day without your smile. Without telling you things and hearing your voice back. Then, that day arrived and it was so damn hard but the next was harder. And I knew with a sinking feeling it was going to get worse and I wasn't going to be okay for a very long time. Because losing someone isn't an occasion or an event. It doesn't just happen once. It happens over and over again. I lose you every time I pick up your favorite coffee mug, whenever that one song plays on the radio, or when I discover your old t-shirt at the bottom of my laundry pile. I lose you every time I think of kissing you, holding you, or wanting you. I go to bed at night and lose you, when I wish I could tell you about my day. And in the morning, when I wake and reach for the empty space across the sheets, I begin to lose you all over again."[/i] -Lang Leav [hr] Two lovers. One untimely death. Our characters are in their mid-twenties and happily engaged. They had known each other since childhood, starting out as best friends but developing into something more. When one of them suddenly passes away, the other becomes incredibly depressed. After all, they had just lost the love of their life. But what if... they weren't [i]completely[/i] gone? The one who died is granted with becoming their lover's guardian angel. The mourning person thinks they're going crazy, perhaps hallucinating, when they notice little changes in their house. When they feel like they're not totally alone. When they feel like someone is watching out for them. Technicalities can be figured out between us. This will be MxF, I'll be the female and preferably the angel as well. Also, this will be at a casual to advanced level. PM if interested.~[/center]