Eirny was engrossed in a single page covered in various writing and sketches: various notes derived from both credible and not sources on where the Silent Plain's Rose was said to be found. It was a curious thing, one not even she had heard of during her time of study in the Circle. Many people swore it was real while others laughed, calling it an old herbalist's tale. The drawings were contrived from the copious descriptions she had been given on the rose. Again, the 'facts' were few, far between, and often contradictory. She didn't know what, if anything, they would find in the end, she just hoped they found something soon. It had been several days already and the journey was grating on her. She looked now to the others in her party. Many of them grizzled and tested adventurers in his or her own right. Even their newest member, Shok, looked better suited to the lifestyle. Eirny knew she was often the one slowing them down, though she did her best to push through as long and as fast as she could. It had been a year already since she joined the mercenaries, and while she definitely felt more at ease now she knew that she had a long way to go yet. She reminded herself that she wouldn't be here if she didn't need it. Just the thought of the events leading up to her apostasy was enough to stoke the fire in her chest. A tiny light danced on the periphery of her vision now, not really present but showing itself to her in case she needed to call to it. She'd grown accustomed to the wisps popping in and out and this was just their way of letting her know that they were near; it was always a little more comforting to know one was keeping her company. The sounds of the group put her even more at home, even in these environs. The sand was unpleasant to say the least and a storm threatened to break soon. Nevertheless, the sounds of humming, singing, making camp, and the occasional guffaw brought back memories of what life could be like. It was a strange family, but it was hers now. Shok and Erinya hadn't needed her help with the cleansing, mending, or wrapping of their wounds today but she kept a concerned eye out for them nonetheless. It never hurt to have a second opinion, especially where wyverns were concerned. Fascinating but deadly beasts. As was becoming habit, Eirny watched Shok work if no assistance was needed; she always offered her assistance, of course, wanting to be useful but was more than happy to watch whenever she was declined. Ever the student, it was always interesting to see a new or different way of doing things. Now the dwarf called Garlenn was starting to set a camp fire. Now seemed as good a time as any to start unpacking her bedroll, when Ovra gave a shout. She watched as Garlenn and Erinya were quick to move into position. Not wanting to lag behind yet again, Eirny took up her stave with a readied position from the rear. She had a good vantage from here and she wanted to make sure she was in a better position to help support and defend than the last fight. [color=mediumpurple]"What've we got?"[/color] She wasn't sure if anyone had a good look at whom or whatever was approaching, but Eirny strained now to look in the direction Ovra seemed to be facing.