[color=fff79a][b]Evfimiia Serdiatnitskiia[/b][/color][hr] "If you happen to find mine, try not to look at it. You wouldn't understand regardless of your technological level." She picked it up, and sure enough, the scroll unfurled itself, growing longer and longer as she pulled it out. There were terms and details explaining what he was, and his makeup, but Evfimiia was neither a scholar nor a wizard, and everything just made her head spin. The skeleton — hard to miss what he was, with the unnatural way he flapped about — swooped down on the scroll like a demented crow, before swooping away just as quickly with his own scroll. The robed girl however quickly dispatched her own. Perhaps she didn't like her measurements? Evfimiia made a mental note to make another and see what it was in the scroll. The lizard... well, she didn't feel safe around the lizard, like he would just twitch and eat off her head before she could react. "You can stay back if you really don't want to go in. I'm not going to force you or anything." Evfimiia did stay for a bit, before realizing she felt extremely awkward around the people without the marks. Perhaps they weren't actually doing so, and understood why she wasn't going, but it still felt as if their stares bore into her, silently cursing her for not going with the group. For not doing anything when she could. [color=fff79a][i]U-urgh! Caught between the devil and the deep blue sea![/i][/color] Her calm exterior never faded however, as she seemed to close her eyes in contemplation, before following the main group silently. Almost immediately they were in another room, this time with a prerecorded voice. Or perhaps it was just someone speaking normally? In any case, she seemed to have followed them into another deadly situation. Having been going behind the group, the witch's barrier protected Miia from any stray shots. Perhaps just as well, for her first reaction to those things shooting at her was to freeze in place in fear, though her outwards reaction and expression changed but a little. Taking her chance, she jumped haphazardly towards cover, as her hand glowed, giving her the information on the bots. [i]Combat Droid MKIII: The MKIII is a robot created using advanced technology. Their frame is made from titanium, with points of articulation covered by a silken material stronger than steel. They move their bodies using synthetic muscle which is five times stronger than that of a humans. The muscle is controlled via electric signals throughout the robot's spine, or in the case it is damaged, from individual batteries in it's limbs. Their face is covered by bulletproof glass, and acts as an advanced head up display. They are able to track multiple targets at once, and switch to infrared vision. In battle one robot will be designated as the 'leader' and will act as the remote controller of the other robots in it's squad. Should it be destroyed, another robot will take it's place as leader. Since the leader is controlling multiple bodies at once, it's combat effectiveness is tied to how many it must handle at the same time. The less of them there are, the more lethal the MKIII becomes, gaining speed and inhuman reflexes. HPR: Full name 'High-energy Plasma Rifle.' The HPR is a weapon designed to fire ionized gas in the form of plasma. When fired the weapon creates a magnetic field to contain the plasma, on it's way out the plasma is covered in a thin film that retains it's shape until it comes into contact with a surface, or after traveling more than 300 meters. The HPR is effective against organic targets, but has little penetrating power.[/i] [color=fff79a]"Those automatons!"[/color] She shouted from behind cover. [color=fff79a]"They get stronger and faster the less of them there are!"[/color] Miia was deathly afraid, but still, her voice and demeanour did not waver. The others could handle them while she cowered behind this wall.